Born into a family of artists, Harriet made an early decision at the age of eight that she wanted to become a portrait painter when her father bought her a book on the painter Ingres.

After an art foundation course in Bath, Harriet went to Florence, Italy, to study at the Charles H. Cecil Studios, where she completed three years of training in portrait painting. Harriet has had a thorough training in the naturalistic tradition of drawing and painting from life using sight-size, a technique that stems directly from the leading ateliers of nineteenth-century Paris. This portrait practice has been used by masters since the seventeenth century, including Reynolds, Lawrence and Sargent. Having finished her training in 2012, Harriet is now based in Bradford on Avon, fifteen minutes from Bath.

Her shows alongside her father Phillip Bouchard entitled ‘Meet the Bouchards’ and later ‘Encore Bouchard’ on the King's Road in London, courted rave reviews and secured articles in some of the country's glossy magazines. Her impressive resume continues to expand. Harriet’s portfolio now features members of high society, local celebrities and dignitaries, including several Lord Chief Justices, Bishops and Author Anthony Horowitz. Her talent was recognised by The National Portrait Gallery of Malta in 2015 when several of her works were published in their book. She has also collaborated with companies such as Urban Outfitters where the in-store installation captured the imagination and praise of the company’s CEO who stated that the artworks captured the innovative company’s renowned vision. She has held an Artist in Residency at The Victoria Art Gallery in Bath and is “excited to see where life takes her"

During the pandemic and unable to have people in for sittings, Harriet used the opportunity to delve into the world of illustration which is something that had always interested her. She enjoys using the more humorous side of life to depict people and scenarios which has resulted in having a second career alongside the more traditional portraiture. Since 2021, she has illustrated the Osprey London Christmas campaign, which was displayed in stores all over the UK, and worked with multiple international companies including Borromin in Germany, Life Point in the USA, The Vesting Museum in The Netherlands as well as places closer to home such as The Holburne Museum, Bath, and the Bath Pizza Company, as well as taking on independent commissions.

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